
very very beautiful photos! Does Andrew make it with digita or normal
cameras? It seems, it is very difficult to chatch these effects with digital camera.
Or am I mistaken? Especially I like photos with a flower or a tree in the vor
ground and with the scienery on the background.


Cool pic's.  How does Andrew capture the perfection of the objects?
Most people would not see the object in the first place!!! He, Andrew,
does see the object, captures it and the perfect aspect of it.

I am facinated with his photograph.  Truely something that should be in
a large, hard cover book, available in all countries.

People study for years at universities for the art of photography and
he has aquired it by himself.

My words are very (extremely) open and honest.

Leonid Bondirev

Sait smotrel. Meshaet to, chto fon ne ochishaetsya pri perekljuchenii
risunkov. Nado bi sdelat ochistky, a to trudnovato vosprinimat.
Jdy novih ssilok s neterpeniem.


Ochen' sil'nye foto! Sosul'ki prosto na 5+ Zavidno.
Cherno/belye tozhe proizvodyat vpechatlenie. K
sozhaleniyu PS filtry ne v mode, yarkie modifikacii
kartinok ne osobo nravyat'sya mne - ostaet'sya
vpechatlenie chto tebya duryat i pytayut'sya chego-to

Design alboma vpolne zrelyj, tol'ko background picture
sbivaet i meshaet ocenit' po dostoinstvu ostal'nye
foto. Ya uzhe vam eto 100 raz govoril, no naverno zrya
- u vas svoe ponyatie.

Ewe raz spasibo za prekrasnye foto

Plotnikov Alexandr

Hi, Viola and Andrew!
Great thanks for your winter album! I like 39win. It's the best, philosophic
and more rare than other shots, IMHO.


Albom prosto potryasniy!!!!
Kajdy raz smotry na vashi foto i vspominay, kak mi hodili v gori!
Spasibo za to, chto ne zabivaesh menya nesmotrya na to chto u menya
prosto ne poluchaetsya ni priyti v klub, ni shodit s vami v gori!

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